
The timeless and living art of possum skin cloaks
The First Peoples of south-eastern Australia have been making possum skin cloaks since time immemorial—today the practice is flourishing.

One Year On
One Year On – Stories of COVID-19 in Melbourne's Suburbs is a digital display that brings together a snapshot of stories collected across the suburbs of Melbourne in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Plants of Milarri Garden
Milarri Garden, located within Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre, is planted with native flora significant to the Aboriginal people of south-eastern Australia.

First Peoples
First Peoples tells the story of Aboriginal Victoria from the time of Creation to today. Explore the galleries within Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre.

Discover Documentary: The Murray Explored Bioscan
Following in the footsteps of William Blandowski, the Museum's first curator.

Rare scene of first European contact
Provenance of carved boomerang uncovered.

Bunjil's wings
A glimpse of First Peoples' multimedia installation.

A treasure trove of freshwater fish biodiversity
The Kimberley region in Australia’s northwest is one our last great pristine unspoilt places, and a hotspot for species discovery.

10 peculiar and splendid masks
Masks might come to symbolise 2020. But they have a rich and often strange history.

10 treasures of Aussie Rules
And what they say about us.

The hidden history of Aboriginal stockwoman
As told by a Koa stockwoman, mother and doctor of philosophy.

Black Day, Sun Rises, Blood Runs
Stories of colonial violence in Victoria.

Burlesque dancing and basket weaving: the incredible life of Aunty Veronica Barnett
Step into the adventurous past of one of the Melbourne Museum's public faces.

Birthday honours: 21 of our favourite things about the Melbourne Museum
Fascinating facts about Melbourne’s favourite museum.

A Wurundjeri First Peoples coming of age ceremony revived
Meet the Djirri Djirri Wurundjeri Women's Dance Group, who are reconnecting to their cultural heritage and bringing the younger generations with them.

Baradine Repatriation of Carved Tree (Dendroglyph)
Carved burial tree returned to traditional owners.

Basket, Binak, Healesville, Port Phillip, Victoria, Australia
Coiled basket, or binak, with oval base, possibly purchased from Coranderrk Aboriginal Station circa 1870s-1880s.

Football jumper - Nicky Winmar, St Kilda, 1993
St Kilda Football Club jumper worn by Nicky Winmar during his celebrated stand against racism in sport in 1993.

Diprotodon tooth
A tooth fossil showing markings which appear to be man-made.

Indigenous Protest, Australian Bicentenary, 1988
In 1988, the year of Australia's bicentenary, Indigenous peoples from across the nation converged on Sydney to protest the so-called "celebration of a nation".