Eastern Curlew

Numenius madagascariensis

Victorian Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Eastern Curlew populations are declining in eastern Australia. The conservation of this species is truly a global effort, since their migration takes them through many regions. In Victoria, habitat is disappearing because of drought, for example around the Gippsland Lakes. Pollution of waterways and human disturbance also impacts upon these birds.

Did you know?

Eastern Curlews

  • breed in the northern hemisphere then migrate to the southern hemisphere for the rest of the year
  • are the world’s largest migratory wading birds
  • have curved bills that are almost half as long as their bodies
  • are carnivores, they feed on crabs, worms, molluscs and insects
  • weigh approximately 900 g and are 60–66 cm long

Where they live

Eastern Curlews are found throughout coastal Australia (mainly in the north-east and south) after migrating from the northern hemisphere. They are widespread in coastal areas including mudflats, estuaries, swamps and shorelines.

Amazing Eastern Curlews

Eastern Curlews are the largest of the migratory wading birds, all of which live in costal areas and have long legs and a long bill. Their bills can be over 18 cm long and are used to pluck prey from the muddy shallows. They forage for crabs, molluscs and other invertebrates during the day and night.

These birds migrate huge distances every year, according to the season. They fly continuously for two or three days, then stop in wetlands to rest and feed before continuing. In the northern summer they breed in Russia and north-eastern China in bogs and swamps. They lay four eggs in a nest among reeds in June or July. Young Eastern Curlews feed themselves by catching mosquitoes and other insects. By late July or August, Eastern Curlews depart for the southern hemisphere. Large numbers reach the eastern coast of Australia by September, where they remain until late February or March.

The plumage of Eastern Curlews is mottled brown with a distinctive pale underwing and barred flight feathers that are visible while they are in flight. Their wing beats are slow and steady, and they make a loud melancholy call that rises in pitch, sounding like ‘cuuuur-lee'.

Other Costal wetlands animals

Explore the Victorian environments

Trees along a river bank

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Birds stand on black rocks in water

Coastal wetlands

Victoria’s coastal wetlands are significant places for wildlife, with many listed in international conventions to protect the habitat of migratory birds.

Snow covered mountains


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Plains Flax Lily


When the first Europeans arrived in Victoria there were grasslands on the vast, undulating western plains, on the northern plains and in Gippsland.

Mallee vegetation


The Victorian Mallee in the north-western corner of the state has a mosaic of vegetation types adapted to low rainfall and sandy soils.

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