Notre-Dame Self-directed
- What
- Self-directed
- When
- Term 1, Monday to Friday
- Duration
- 60 minutes
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Years 7 to 12
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 50 students
- Cost
- education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
In this self-guided program, secondary students studying year 7–12 French language or Level 7–8 History can explore the new, immersive Notre-Dame de Paris: The Augmented Exhibition.
Available Term 1 only.
Students will experience
- An introduction by a museum staff member and a recommended student journey through the exhibition.
- An augmented visit to Notre-Dame in the Immigration Museum Long Room.
- Immersive and interactive reconstructions, visually transporting to Notre-Dame via touchscreen tablet.
- Key historical moments from 1163 to the present-day restoration of Notre-Dame
Students will learn
- The cathedral’s history, from its earliest origins in the 12th century to its 850-year history.
- Key historical moments including: the role of Notre Dame on daily life in Medieval France, royal history. such as coronations and the conflicts between Catholicism and Protestants, Napoleon and the French Revolution.
- Architectural development of the building over its life.
- The restoration process following the devastating fire in 2019.
Students will be provided
- A touchscreen tablet accessible for all ages to use in the exhibition.
- Opportunity to use the tablet app in either English or French.
Other key information
- A visit to the museum’s permanent exhibitions can be added to this experience free of charge.
Victorian Curriculum links
History Levels: 7 and 8
Investigation: Europe and the Mediterranean world (c. 600–1750 CE)
- significant social, cultural, economic, environmental and political continuity and change in the way of life and the roles and relationships of different groups
VC2HH8K19 - causes and consequences of a significant event, development or turning point that contributed to continuity and change
French VCE
Unit 1 and 2: Area of Study 2 Interpretive communication
- related to themes and topics around the French-speaking communities e.g. the francophone world and historical perspectives
French language Levels: 7-10
French Levels 7-8
- reflect on and explain how identity is shaped by language(s), culture(s), beliefs, attitudes and values
French Levels 9-10
- reflect on and evaluate how identity is shaped by language(s), culture(s), beliefs, attitudes and values, and how these affect ways of communicating