Make, Solve, Create

Make, Solve, Create

Museum Staff-led
Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
40 minutes in the STEM Lab
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund
Year level
Years K to F
Minmum student numbers
Minimum 15 students
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 28 students
$11 per student + education service fee
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

In this curriculum-aligned workshop for Kindergarten and Foundation students, participants are taken through an interactive story, building and solving design challenges faced by Dot.

Students will experience

  • An interactive story featuring Dot, the main character in the Ground Up: Building Big Ideas, Together exhibition
  • Helping Dot by building solutions to problems she encounters on her adventure
  • Using materials such as blocks and tubes to help Dot with seeing a sunrise over trees, crossing a fast-flowing river, and finding out a code for a door

Students will learn

  • How to use STEM skills, such as designing and testing solutions with design constraints
  • That there are multiple ways to solve a problem
  • Skills such as collaboration and communication when working with a partner
  • How to identify and describe shapes, colours and textures of different materials

Victorian Curriculum links

Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF)
  • Outcome 1. Children have a strong sense of identity
  • Outcome 4. Children are confident and involved learners.
  • Outcome 5. Children are effective communicators.
Science: Foundation to Level 2

Chemical sciences

  • objects can be made of one or more different materials; these materials have observable properties
Design and Technologies: Foundation to Level 2

Creating Designed Solutions

  • use materials, components, tools and techniques to safely make designed solutions
  • explore the characteristics and properties of materials and components that are used to create designed solutions 
Mathematics: Foundations


  • sort, name and create familiar shapes; recognise and describe familiar shapes within objects in the environment, giving reasons

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