Road to Zero: Road Safety Experience
- What
- Museum Staff-led
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund- Year level
- Years 9, 9 to 10, VCE
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 25 students
- Cost
- Free program
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
Road to Zero is a world first road safety education complex and has been developed by the TAC in partnership with the Melbourne Museum.
Road to Zero draws upon decades of TAC research and pedagogical practice, and is co-created with practicing teachers. Part of the Victorian Government’s road safety strategy, it aims to reduce road trauma in pre-learner drivers by building knowledge and awareness that will empower young road users to make safe decisions.
An education visit to Road to Zero comprises two experiences: the Road to Zero Experience Space - an immersive and exploratory gallery showcasing the latest in multi-sensory interactive technologies, and curriculum-linked programs in the purpose-built Learning Studios.
Highlights from the Road to Zero Experience Space include a 3-minute virtual reality experience where students travel in a car from 1970 to 2055, an elevator simulation where students experience a dramatic ‘drop’ from the 11th floor of the Royal Exhibition Building, as well as a digital exploration of the Transport Accident Commission’s well-known Graham sculpture. To learn more about the Experience Space please visit Road to Zero.
Road to Zero: VCE HHD Immersion Program
Students will have the opportunity to learn from speakers, engage in group activities and visit the award-winning Road to Zero Experience. This promises to be an informative and engaging excursion to help your students prepare for Units 3 and 4 of their HHD course and end of year exam.
Safe Journeys
Created in collaboration with Year 6 teachers and the Victorian Government’s Road Safety Partners, the Safe Journeys Program empowers students to develop trip planning skills – including the best route to and from secondary school – as well as safe road and public transport practices.
Getting the Message
Health and PE, Years 9 to 10, VCE Vocational Major
Students research a 14- to 17-year-old road user group (for example, pedestrians or cyclists) and craft a call to action designed to reinforce a chosen positive behaviour through the creation of a video ad campaign.
Road to Zero Physics Challenge
Science, Years 9 to 10, VCE Vocational Major
Students participate in a virtual reality physics experiment to explore the relationships between speed and friction on car stopping distances using touch-table and VR technology.
Health and Human Development
VCE HHD, Units 3 and 4
Students are guided through the Road to Zero Experience Space at Melbourne Museum using a companion app. They apply their understanding of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion and the Sustainable Development Goals to the important issue of road safety.
Road Smart Interactive
Road Smart Interactive is an evidence based, highly interactive road safety education program that is free for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 and those undertaking the VCE Vocational Major across all Victorian secondary schools.
Road Smart Interactive utilises the latest immersive technology to guide students through a series of experiences that will engage them in thinking about how they can be part of the solution to eliminating road trauma.
Road Smart Interactive builds on the popular, long-running Road Smart program (which concluded at the end of 2022), and features elements adapted from the award-winning Road to Zero Experience at Melbourne Museum.
Contact us
To book a Road to Zero school program at the Melbourne Museum, please call our education bookings officer on 13 11 02. The bookings office is open 9 am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday. Or, email our bookings office at [email protected].
Road Smart Interactive
To arrange for the Road Smart Interactive education experience to visit your school, please contact the team by email on [email protected] or call 13 11 02.