Black and white map of Europe from 1603CE

Investigating the Viking-Age

Museum Staff-led
Terms 3 to 4, Monday to Friday

Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund
Year level
Years 7 to 8
TBC + education service fee
Booking information
Bookings : Register your interest

New from August 2025 – a unique opportunity for students to engage with the Viking Age!

In this new exhibition and workshop, students will experience first-hand how evidence from primary sources encourages deeper insights into medieval Europe and Viking Age Britian.

Students will explore the fascinating details artefacts reveal about everyday life, conflicts, perspectives, beliefs and religious practices of people from the medieval Britain.

More details coming soon! Register your interest and be the first to know about this exciting new exhibition and workshop aligning to the Year 7 and 8 history curriculum – Europe and the Mediterranean World (c. 600-1750CE).

This is a once in a life-time opportunity for history students of all ages.

Students will experience

  • A close look at some treasured, precious artefacts.
  • Deeper insight into a society at a time of transformation across the British Isles.

Students will learn

  • About the methods and work of archaeologists and historians.
  • How objects have stories and what they can tell us about the past.
  • About the contested nature of history.
  • To interpret and analyse evidence.  

Victorian Curriculum links

History: level 7 to 8

Investigation: Europe and the Mediterranean world (c. 600–1750 CE)
  • significant social, cultural, economic, environmental and political continuity and change in the way of life and the roles and relationships of different groups
  • causes and consequences of a significant event, development or turning point that contributed to continuity and change
  • experiences and perspectives of rulers and ruled, and the interaction between power and/or authority
  • historical interpretations of an event, individual, group or institution and its legacies
Historical Concepts and Skills
  • develop and use historical questions to inform historical investigations
  • explain the features, content and context of historical sources
  • analyse the value of sources for use as evidence to explain historical significance, continuity and change, and causes and consequences
  • explain the perspectives, beliefs, values and attitudes of people and groups based on evidence from a range of sources
  • analyse historical interpretations and debates

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