News Flash! - Years 7 & 8

Students collect information from the exhibition with the intention of developing a news report about significant scientific discoveries.


Beyond Perception–seeing the unseen is an immersive experience that explores the areas of science and technology that rely on harnessing the microscopic and invisible forms of waves. There are five themes throughout the exhibition. They are: Waves at work, Cosmic events, Turbulent encounters, Energetic vibrations and Wrapped in spectrum.

What to do

You are a reporter. You have been set a task of creating an interesting four minute news story about a recent scientific discovery that has impacted society in a significant way.

You and your team are sent to the Beyond Perception exhibition to collect the information you will need for your news report. Look for discoveries involving light (Wrapped in spectrum, Waves at work), forces (Turbulent encounters) or sound (Energetic vibrations).

As a team of three, decide on a topic and collect information in the form of photos, text or videos using an appropriate electronic device.

Back at school

  1. In your team, analyse and organise the information collected and prepare an outline or plan for your news report.
  2. Agree on photos and videos that you will be including in your report.
  3. As a team, write a script that complements the videos and photos collected that will make your report interesting.
  4. Research your topic to answer any questions you might have. Alternately, phone or talk to a person (or expert) who works in that field of science and ask them questions to help with your understanding. If you include this information in your report, don’t forget to acknowledge the expert’s contribution.
  5. Make up large cue cards to help the reporter deliver the story seamlessly. Make sure the text is large enough for the reporter to be able to read the text from a distance.
  6. Add the images and videos chosen in part 2 to a PowerPoint in an order that corresponds with the reporter’s script.
  7. Practise your report at least three times before you present it to the class. (One person in your team will need to role play the reporter and read the script with the help of cue cards held by another member. The team member in this role will also need to prompt the reporter to the screen to watch a video or see an image and then back again at the right time. The third member will need to control the PowerPoint and click to the right image and video.)
  8. When you feel ready, present your report to your classmates. Your teacher may want to video record your presentation. 

Advice to teachers

This activity is suitable for Year 7 and 8 students. Teachers may want to stipulate a focus for the class or different groups for this task. It incorporates the curriculum areas: Physical Sciences, Science as a Human Endeavour and Critical and Creative Thinking. The students will need at least one electronic device (smart phone, iPod, iPad or digital camera) per group to collect relevant information to complete the task and are welcome to use resources provided below to include in their report.

Curriculum links

  • Science as a human endeavour
  • Science Inquiry skills
  • Physical science
  • Earth and space science
  • Creative and Critical Thinking, and
  • Personal and Social

Related links

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