Two students using virtual reality googles to experience a road trip from the past to the future of travel in Victoria.

Road to Zero experience

Access to museum galleries not included

World-first road safety education complex

Discover the science behind crashes and take a trip into the future at Road to Zero, a world-first road safety education experience at Melbourne Museum.

Large-scale projections, interactive touch screens and virtual reality reveal the science of road safety and why human bodies aren’t built to survive major impacts.

While the Road to Zero education experience is aimed at secondary school students, entry is free and open to anyone to visit.

Explore the latest in vehicle technology and road design and how we can each contribute to making zero road deaths and serious injuries a reality.

Student using the interactive touch displays.
Interact with large touch screen displays to create a safer road system.
Photo: Mauro Palmieri

Road to Zero was developed by the TAC in partnership with Melbourne Museum. It draws on decades of TAC research, and was co-created with road safety and education experts to help explain how we can prevent crashes and protect drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicycle riders.


Please view our accessibility page for general information. Contact our team on 13 11 02 or email us at [email protected] to discuss how we can support your visit.


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