Meet the people of Biik Milboo Dhumba | Country Is Always Talking

Get to know the people of the Eastern Kulin Nations featured in Biik Milboo Dhumba | Country is Always Talking, with our video series.

Learn how each individual values and connects with Country and culture in a variety of ways, whether through art, nature, story or song.

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Episode 1

Singing up Country

Barry Gilson shares stories of creation and the history of his people through song and storytelling.

Episode 2

Waking up the land

Uncle Dave Wandin shows how fire is an integral part of keeping Country healthy.

Episode 3

The story of place

N’Arweet Dr Caroline Briggs explains how the restoration of a former golf course has created a wetland haven and a place for people to reconnect with Country.

Episode 4

Men are made from bark

Mick Harding uses the First People’s practice of tree scarring tell stories that connect him to culture and Country.

Episode 5

Giving back

Cassie Leatham shares her expertise in First People's food harvest practices, from wattle tree lollipops to eel traps.

Episode 6

Growing up on Country

Sisters Tyali and Imani Nelson share the importance of passing on cultural knowledge to future generations.

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