Princess ‘Elisiva Fusipala Tauki’onetuku  Tupou

Portrait of a woman
Princess Fusipala

Princess Lātūfuipeka speaks about her great-great-aunt, Princess Fusipala.

Princess Lātūfuipeka: Princess ‘Elisiva  Fusipala Tauki’onetuku Tupou was the second daughter of King Tupou II and his second wife Queen Takipō. She was the younger sister of Her Majesty Queen Sālote Tupou III, who is my great-grandmother. Queen Sālote Tupou III and her consort Prince Tungī Mailefihi had three children: Crown Prince Tupouto’a Tungī who was later King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV, Prince Tuku’aho, and Prince  Fatafehi Tu’ipelehake.

King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV and Queen Halaevalu Mata’aho had four children: Crown Prince Tupouto’a who was later King George Tupou V, Princess Pilolevu, Honourable Ma’atu and my father Prince ‘Ulukalala Lavaka Ata who is now King Tupou VI. 

Princess Fusipala was born on the 26th of July, 1912 at the royal Palace in Nuku’alofa. King Tupou II  passed away on the 5th of April and Queen Takipō passed away on the 26th of November in the same year, 1918. Princess Fusipala was only eight years old at the time. She was cared for by her elder sister Queen Sālote and her mother’s sister Muimui and her relatives. She was sent on the 11th of December in 1920 until 1925 to Auckland to attend Diocesan School for Girls. She returned to Tonga at the end of 1925 and was sent in 1926 to the Methodist Ladies’ College in Melbourne, Australia. Princess Fusipala passed away on the 21st of April 1933 in Sydney and was buried in the Royal cemetery on the 12th of May 1933 at Mala’ekula in Nuku’alofa, Tongatapu.

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