Creative and Digital Media
VCE VET Creative and Digital Media students produce digital works that encompass web development, multimedia design, content writing, audio, film and video, photography, static design and animation. The works selected for this exhibition demonstrate a range of capabilities, from traditional creative skills to engagement with contemporary technologies and concepts.
Hamish Baird
Mildura Senior College, Mildura
First Peoples of the Millewa-Mallee, being Latji Latji and Ngintait Traditional Owners
Anabranch Pre-School | Animation
Photoshop, Adobe Animate, Premiere Pro, Word
My animation is designed to promote a fictional pre-school that I created. The animation includes values that are appealing to parents, and uses exciting colours and sounds to engage potential students. Both demographics make up my target audience. The animation is also made to take the viewer on a journey of wonder, to entice creativity within the audience and encourage curiosity.
Units of Competency
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations
CUADIG304 Create visual design components
Chloe Clayton
Galen Catholic College, Wangaratta
Yorta Yorta Country
Makisig the Skater Boy | Portfolio
Ibis Paint X
Makisig is a character inspired by Filipino street fashion, the works of artist Jamie Hewlett, and famous skateboarders like Keegan Palmer, Margielyn Didal and Momiji Nishiya. With his self-bleached hair and colourful attire, Makisig is not afraid to stand out. This image was hand drawn using an Apple Pencil in Ibis Paint X on an iPad. It makes use of a single light source, reflective light and a simple background.
Unit of Competency
CUADES302 Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms
Chloe Clayton
Galen Catholic College, Wangaratta
Yorta Yorta Country
sk8 | Animation
Ibis Paint X, Adobe Animate
I have created 'sk8', a short 2D animated trailer made in Adobe Animate. It follows a young woman who is training for a roller derby tournament. The changing of colour palettes indicate the passing of time. As she finally slows down, the audio follows her breath and it transitions into game day. She is lined up as a front blocker, but when the game is about to start, the camera cuts out dramatically.
Unit of Competency
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations
Alyssa Cunanan
Bayside P-12 College, Newport
Williamstown High School, Williamstown
Bunurong Boonwurrung Country
FUSCO | Website
Adobe Animate, Dreamwaver, Photoshop, Illustrator
My website is for FUSCO, a business that runs after school design classes for children. FUSCO aims to nurture a culture of creativity for these children and teach the basics of design from an early age. This includes design elements, principles and typography. Fun visuals and colours are utilised to stimulate younger children and get them involved with learning about design. The website also acknowledges FUSCO's sponsor, 'XYZ', a children’s television program.
Unit of Competency
CUADES302 Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms
CUADIG312 Author interactive sequences
Alyssa Cunanan
Bayside P-12 College, Newport
Williamstown High School, Williamstown
Bunurong Boonwurrung Country
XYZ | Animation
Adobe Animate, Paint Tool SAI
XYZ is a TV program aimed at young children. My animation is the brand identity for XYZ, in the form of a clip used for intermission breaks and advertising. In order to best represent the brand, vivid colours, bouncy sound effects, and playful shapes are utilised to engage children as the target audience.
Unit of Competency
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations
Kieran Ford
Academy of Mary Immaculate, Fitzroy
Wurundjeri Country
Fantasy Zoo | Animation
Adobe Animate, Fire Alpaca
My product is a promotional advertisement for a fantasy zoo. The animation depicts several mythical creatures that can be found at the zoo and provides information about where it is located. I created the animation using frame-by-frame and motion tween techniques. The voiceover is by my friend, Emily.
Units of Competency
CUADES302 Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations
Sophie Hui
Mentone Girls’ Grammar School, Mentone
Bunurong Boonwurrung Country
Mannequin | Animation
Adobe Animate, Adobe Audition
My animation portrays the discrimination faced by the young LGBTQ+ community today, and the effects this has on their mental wellbeing. I have used mannequins as a metaphor. Much like a mannequin, the protagonist of the story was pressured to act and dress in a certain way. She dressed to hide her identity, with the clothing representing self-doubt and self-hatred. The animation highlights the importance of inclusivity, respect and acceptance, urging the audience to be a helping hand in times of need.
Unit of Competency
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations
Kayley Irvine
Salesian College, Sunbury
Wurundjeri Country
Wattle | Animation
My animation is a trailer for the fictional video game Wattle. It illustrates a funny quoll, named Wattle, and her scramble to escape from a Tasmanian Devil after stealing its waratah flower. I utilised screen and animation principles as the backbone for my extensive research, storyboard and animatic process.
Units of Competency
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations
CUADIG304 Create visual design components
Kayley Irvine
Salesian College, Sunbury
Wurundjeri Country
Wattle | Portfolio
Wattle is a cartoon character design based on an Eastern quoll. Her exaggerated appearance helps emphasise a silly, laid-back attitude. Utilising character design principles such as shape language, silhouette, and simplification, her design is made suitable for animation.
Unit of Competency
CUADES302 Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms
Amber Klepacovski
Taylors Lakes Secondary College, Taylors Lakes
Wurundjeri Country
The Dangers of Vaping | Animation
Adobe Animate, Adobe Illustrator, Final Cut Pro
The Dangers of Vaping is a short animation about the negative impacts of vaping, particularly for young people who may be easily influenced. I portrayed this through the character Sam, who experiences the different stages of addiction and finds it difficult to overcomes this. Using Adobe Animate, I utilised the lip-sync feature, frame-by-frame animation, and tweening techniques.
Units of Competency
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations
CUAWRT301 Write content for a range of media
Johnny McDermott
Mildura Senior College, Mildura
First Peoples of the Millewa-Mallee, being Latji Latji and Ngintait Traditional Owners
CAT + RABBIT | Portfolio
Ibis Paint X
CAT + RABBIT are characters I created to tell the story of a duo surviving their daily lives in a dying city. I wanted to create two characters that complemented, yet contrasted, each other. I targeted my audience, teenagers and young adults, by featuring both cartoon-like and mature design aspects in the characters. To achieve this, I explored various silhouette possibilities, colour pallets and themes before refining my ideas and deciding on my final designs.
Units of Competency
CUADES302 Explore and apply the creative design process to 2D forms
Sophie Price
Mentone Girls' Grammar School, Mentone
Bunurong Boonwurrung Country
Dysphoria | Animation
Adobe Animate
This animation was created to show some aspects of gender dysphoria that transgender individuals, specifically those assigned female at birth, experience primarily before transitioning. I used research and some of my own personal experiences as inspiration for this work.
Units of Competency
CUAANM301 Create 2D digital animations