Creative and Digital Media

VCE VET Creative and Digital Media students produce digital works that encompass web development, multimedia design, content writing, audio, film and video, photography, static design and animation.
The works selected for this exhibition demonstrate a range of capabilities, from traditional creative skills to engagement with contemporary technologies and concepts.

Kira Burdack

Northern College of Arts and Technology, Preston
Wurundjeri Country

A frame from an animation, depicting a dog sitting with a bowl while a fox pats the dog’s head.
Noodog by Kira Burdack, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.



Clip Studio Paint, Adobe Premiere

The Noodog advertisement is designed to promote a fictional instant noodle brand I created. My animation follows a sister who comforts their sick younger sibling by making them soup noodles. My target audience was families and children, so I designed simple characters and easily recognisable dogs to make them feel familiar and appealing. The warm and lighthearted atmosphere of the animation aims to create a positive, memorable experience that will then be associated with the product.

Nicole Dulberg

Mentone Girls' Grammar School, Mentone
Bunurong Country

An illustration of a mouse standing on a box, with a black and yellow hazard sign reading ‘Animal testing lab’.
Stop Cosmetic Animal Testing by Nicole Dulberg, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Stop Cosmetic Animal Testing


Adobe Animate, Adobe Premiere Pro, Procreate

I created this animation with the intention of spreading awareness about an issue I am greatly passionate about: cosmetic animal testing. I decided to tell the story from Matilda the mouse’s perspective, so that my audience could gain a deeper understanding of the physical and emotional harm these animals suffer. I created my illustrations in Procreate and then produced my animation using Adobe Animate.

Finlay Elder

St Leonard's College, Brighton East
Bunurong Country

A screenshot of a business website titled ‘Home Pizza Cucina Cooking Classes’, with links to a home page, classes, recipes, media and contact details.
Home Pizza Cucina Website by Finlay Elder, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Home Pizza Cucina


Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

My website is a platform for a fictional business I created, Home Pizza Cucina, which offers pizza-cooking classes for consumers. I designed the website through concept sketches in pre-production and drafted the written content before coding the website in production. I also composed other media assets such as the photographs, which have been incorporated into the design.

Faith Gigliotti

Northern College of The Arts and Technology, Preston
Wurundjeri Country

A digital illustration of a red car sinking in the ocean, with trees, clouds and sun in the background.
Amphicar 770 by Faith Gigliotti, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Amphicar 770

Procreate, Abode Animate

The Amphicar 770 is a unique car that was produced in the 1960s. What makes the Amphicar unique is its ability to drive on water. It was a small four-seater car made for road trips and boat rides. I created rough sketches from researching the vehicle and its history. I drew images on Procreate and then imported them into Adobe Animate. I used layer masking, tweening and frame-by-frame animation to really bring the Amphicar to life.

Chaitrita Mantri

Mentone Girls' Grammar School, Mentone
Bunurong Country

A digital illustration of an adult elephant and baby elephant touching trunks, set against a background of mountains, grass and a pond.
Stop Deforestation by Chaitrita Mantri, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Stop Deforestation

Adobe Animate, Adobe Photoshop

My animation depicts the looming threat of habitat destruction. The main character, a baby elephant, symbolises the strife of animals facing the threat of deforestation. The loving bond between the elephant and its mother represents the inextricable connection that all animals share with nature. The animation ends with a poignant reminder of the suffering endured by the animal kingdom at the hands of humans and calls for immediate action to ‘Stop Deforestation’.

Mercedes Robertson

Mildura Senior College, Mildura
First Peoples of the Millewa-Mallee, being Latji Latji and Ngintait Traditional Owners

A digital artwork of a red flower set against a black and red background, with hands outstretched towards the flower.
Memories by Mercedes Robertson, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.


Procreate, Adobe Animate

Memories is an animation based on the backstory of a character I created. The animation is centred on this character’s perspective and her struggle between memories of her lost lover and the grim reality surrounding her. This project required an extensive planning process that included inspiration gathering, storyboarding and lengthy asset development.

Mercedes Robertson

Mildura Senior College, Mildura
First Peoples of the Millewa-Mallee, being Latji Latji and Ngintait Traditional Owners

A digital illustration of an anime style character with animal ears and nine white tails. They wear a white and red robe and hold a sword in one hand.
Character Design by Mercedes Robertson, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Character Design


My character design project was centred on the idea of a ‘half-human’ being that possesses human characteristics combined with flora, fauna or mythical creatures. This project embodies my fascination with the human physique, wildlife, fantasy and mythology. When developing my character, I aimed to create a design that was compelling, communicated an underlining story, and was unique. To achieve this, I thought broadly before refining the characteristics I was drawn to.

Sophie Whitney

Mentone Girls' Grammar School, Mentone
Bunurong Country

A digital illustration of hands holding a phone. The phone shows an app that has a post of a person in a bikini with ’40,000 likes’
Perfectly Imperfect by Sophie Whitney, Top Designs 2023. Courtesy of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Perfectly Imperfect

Procreate, Adobe Animate

Perfectly Imperfect is a short animation that focuses on the influence that social media has on body image and body dysmorphia. The animation was created to highlight the difficulties of body dysmorphia and create awareness of the impact that social media has on an individual’s mental health. My creation of the animation involved the lengthy process of filming and taking pictures of myself, then rotoscoping these images into a cartoon form.

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