Three primary school students in school uniforms sit at a digital touch table. They excitedly touch the screen in front of them as they create a road safety ad in the Road to Zero Learning Studio at Melbourne Museum.

Safe Journeys

Museum Staff-led
Term 4, Monday to Friday
3.5 hours (10:30am to 2pm)
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund
Year level
Year 6
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 25 students
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

The Safe Journeys program supports students to become safe, independent travellers as they near the milestone of starting secondary school.  

Created in collaboration with Year 6 teachers and the Victorian Government’s Road Safety Partners, the Safe Journeys Program empowers students to develop trip planning skills – including the best route to and from secondary school – as well as safe road and public transport practices.

Students will experience

  • An interactive and immersive visit to the Road to Zero Experience Space, including: a virtual reality experience where students travel in a car from 1970 to 2055; an elevator simulation where students experience a dramatic ‘drop’ from the 11th floor of the Royal Exhibition Building as well as a digital exploration of the Transport Accident Commission’s well-known Graham sculpture.
  • Using touchtable technology to create a video advertisement with supporting evidence, pre-shot footage, sounds effects and music.
  • Working collaboratively in groups to create a persuasive health ad.

Students will learn

  • To develop and apply road safety knowledge to plan journeys, including the Safe System approach
  • About developing safe road and public transport practices to become competent independent travellers and commuters to and from secondary school and other locations
  • To examine and analyse the persuasive elements and features of video advertisements

Other key information

How does the program work?

The free Safe Journeys Program includes eight engaging activities designed to be undertaken at school and two activities at Road to Zero at Melbourne Museum.

A key aspect of the program is the opportunity for students to apply their road safety knowledge by planning and undertaking the journey to Melbourne Museum, where they’ll extend their learning through interactive, immersive road safety experiences.

Program resources

The Safe Journeys Program is supported by a Teacher Guide, including lesson activities, teaching tips, additional resource links, curriculum outcomes and extension ideas.

Please refer to the downloadable program overview and Safe Journeys Program Teacher Guide for details.

Student work can be completed in the Safe Journeys Program Student Road Map. This interactive workbook allows students to keep their learning in one place and collect virtual stamps along the way to recognise their learning.


Victorian Curriculum links

Health and Physical Education

Personal, Social and Community Health

  • Analyse how various strategies influence the health, safety, relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
  • Investigate different sources, quality and types of health information and how these apply to their own and others’ health choices


Language - Language for expressing and developing ideas

  • Identify the ways that still images (such as figures, tables, diagrams, maps and graphs), moving images and sound are used in texts to create point of view

Literacy - Interacting with others

  • Deliver structured spoken and multimodal texts to an intended audience for a specific purpose, using appropriate features of voice

Literacy - Texts in context

  • Examine texts, including media texts, that represent ideas and events, and identify how they reflect the context in which they were created

Literacy - Analysing, interpreting and evaluating

  • Analyse how text structures and language features work together to meet the purpose of a text and engage and influence audiences

Media Arts


  • Use media languages, media technologies and production processes to construct media arts works that communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning for specific audiences

Ethical Capability

Understanding Ethical Concepts and Perspectives

  • The meaning of a worldview, and how worldviews influence ethical perspectives, and simple connections between influences on ethical perspectives, such as between rights and responsibilities and shared expectations, or between worldviews and values



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