Two primary school students looking at computer tablet with Learning Lab projection in the background.

Weather, Climate and Human Impacts

Museum Staff-led
Terms 1 to 3, Monday to Friday
10am & 12:30pm
90 minutes
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund
Year level
Years 3 to 4
Minmum student numbers
Minimum 15 students
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 30 students
$15 per student + education service fee
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

Students will begin to understand the science of climate change in this science geography curriculum aligned school excursion designed for year 3 to 4 primary school students.

The Earth’s climate is changing. Scientific evidence shows us that these changes are happening much faster than they should be!

But, what does this really mean? How do we know? And what can we do about it?

Students learn the critical role our atmosphere plays in supporting life on earth with Victorian examples, and explore through physical and digital means the action areas that will support healthy environments for future generations.

Students will experience

  • River Connections, an immersive projection made in collaboration with First Peoples community members exploring their close connections to the land, animals, plants and rivers of Victoria.
  • An exploration of climate science with an expert learning facilitator
  • Unique animations and videos to explain the complex but fundamental interactions between the atmosphere, environment and humans
  • Working in groups to investigate climate change solutions through hands-on and digital interactives

Students will learn

  • What climate is and how it differs from weather 
  • The processes causing our climate to change 
  • Victorian climates zones  
  • The impacts of climate change in Victoria 
  • About the technologies and skills that already exist to reduce climate impact at individual, school and community level 
  • How resources can be used and managed sustainably.  

Other key information

This is an interdisciplinary workshop that has links to the Science, Geography, Digital Technology and Sustainability curriculum areas.

Victorian Curriculum links

Earth and space sciences
  • weather events and climate have impacts on the land, air, water and living things; human activity can affect climate
Geographical Knowledge and Understanding
  • the relationships between people and their place and its environment
  • the functions of vegetation in the environment and the characteristics, spatial distribution and location of the main types of vegetation in Australia and the world, such as forest, woodland, savannah, grassland and desert, including the uses of vegetation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  • climate and the characteristics and location of the main climatic types in Australia and the world, such as the temperate, Mediterranean and arid climates
  • sustainability and its application to the use of natural resources and the management of waste

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