Road to Zero Physics Challenge
- What
- Museum Staff-led
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund- Year level
- Years 9 to 10, VCE VM
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 25 students
- Cost
- Free program
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
Using virtual reality headsets, students will gain a first-hand understanding of the science of motion. In this facilitator-led program, students participate in a physics experiment that explores the relationships between vehicle speed and stopping distances.
Working in teams, students will discover the effects of friction and gain insights into the notion of inertia, as described in Newton's first law of motion. This program demonstrates how safe speeds form part of Victoria's goal of reaching zero deaths and serious injury on our roads.
Students will experience
- An interactive and immersive visit to the Road to Zero Experience Space, including: a virtual reality experience where students travel in a car from 1970 to 2055; an elevator simulation where students experience a dramatic ‘drop’ from the 11th floor of the Royal Exhibition Building; as well as a digital exploration of the Transport Accident Commission’s well-known Graham sculpture.
- Conducting a stopping distance experiment in the Learning Studio using virtual reality and touchtable technology.
- Working collaboratively in groups and applying their learning to a team-based challenge.
Students will learn
- About the Safe System approach to road safety.
- To apply experimental design to develop a hypothesis and define the independent and dependent variables and controls.
- About the relationship between stopping distance and impact speed.
- How speed, friction and stopping distance impact crash outcomes.
Students will need
- Students will need to have their email address available. Data collected from their experiments will be sent to the teacher and students after the program for further analysis or extension back at school.
Other key information
The program includes:
- A 45-minute session in the Road to Zero Experience Space – an interactive and immersive gallery experience
- The ‘Road to Zero Physics Challenge’ 75-minute session in the Learning Studio
Victorian Curriculum links
Science as a Human Endeavour
- Advances in technologies have enabled advances in science, while science has contributed to developments in technologies and engineering
VC2S10H02 - The use of scientific knowledge to address socio-scientific issues and shape a more sustainable future for humans and the environment may have diverse projected outcomes that affect the extent to which scientific knowledge and practices are adopted more broadly by society
Physical Sciences
- Newton’s laws of motion can be used to quantitatively analyse the relationship between force, mass and acceleration of objects
VC2S10U17 - The Law of Conservation of Energy can be analysed in systems, including Earth systems, by assessing the efficiency of energy inputs, outputs, transfers and transformations
Ethical Capability
- How connections, distinctions and tensions between ethical concepts and between ethical perspectives are used to identify and analyse ethical issues, including their ethical significance, and how they are used to analyse responses to ethical issues, including their ethical significance
VC2CE10D01 - How more than one of the consequences framework, duties framework or virtues framework can be used to guide decision-making in response to an ethical issue, and similarities and differences between these and alternative ethical frameworks
Personal and Social Capability
Self-efficacy and sense of purpose
- The significance of individual responsibility and adaptability in decision-making when completing challenging tasks and planning for the future
VCE Vocational Major
- Unit 2: Connecting with community
- Unit 3: Leadership and teamwork
- Unit 4: Community project
- Units 1-4: Personal numeracy, Civic numeracy, Health numeracy