600 Million Years in 60 Seconds
- What
- Teacher Resource
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund- Year level
- Years 9 to 10
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 30 students
- Cost
- education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
Information for teachers
This activity works best for students in Years 9 to 10 and takes place in the 600 Million Years: Victoria Evolves exhibition. Schools are required to BYOD (Bring your own device).
Using a movie-making app on their own devices, students are encouraged to look deeply at big ideas using the real fossil evidence in the gallery, and teach others through their video clip. In this way, the students must do more than simply read the exhibition labels. They need to understand and reinterpret the evidence so that it makes sense to future viewers of their film.
Organise your students into teams prior to coming on-site to visit the 600 Million Years: Victoria Evolves exhibition, and allocate them one of the 10 missions. Presenter, camera-person and director roles can be assigned.
Information for students
Work in a team of three.
Go into the 600 Million Years: Victoria Evolves exhibition at Melbourne Museum. Find your location on your “mission map” – your teacher will have allocated one mission to your team.
Your mission
Using your mobile phone, create a 60-second movie incorporating the topic from your mission to inform, entertain and inspire your fellow students back at school. Be creative, be brave and have fun!
Choose a mission
Victorian Curriculum links
Level 9 to 10 biological science
the theory of evolution by natural selection includes the processes of variation, isolation and adaptation and is supported by evidence including the fossil record, biogeography and comparative embryology; the theory explains past and present biodiversity and demonstrates how all organisms have some degree of relatedness to each other
Science Inquiry
Questioning and predicting
- investigable questions, reasoned predictions and hypotheses can be used in guiding investigations to test and develop explanatory models and relationships
- communicating and justifying scientific ideas, findings and arguments for diverse audiences involves the selection of appropriate presentation formats, content, scientific vocabulary, conventions, models and other representations, and may include the use of digital tools