School students examining showcases in 600 Million Years Exhibition.

600 Million Years Gallery Visit

Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
Year level
Years K to 10, VCE
education service fee
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

What does the fossil record tell us about the evolution of life of Earth? Find out when you take your students on a journey through time, starting around 600 million years ago. See hundreds of real fossils, animations, interviews with palaeontologists and models of life on Earth through the geological time periods.

Students examine first-hand using the real fossil record in the 600 Million Years: Victoria Evolves exhibition to evaluate and interpret evidence for evolution. Using the authentic specimens, students explore the evolution of life starting with the first multi-cellular life forms found in South Australia, through to the evolution of fish, vertebrates moving onto land, dinosaurs and megafauna.


Victorian Curriculum links

The exhibition links to the following Foundation - Level 10 curriculum areas

  • Biological sciences
  • Earth and space sciences
  • Science as a human endeavour

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