Listen to Carolyn Briggs

< Biik Milboo Dhumba | Country Is Always Talking

We are one with Country

Listen as N’Arweet Dr Carolyn Briggs talks about our reciprocal relationship with Country.

We're all one. We are one with Country. We need the water from Country. We need Mother, Papa Nata, Mother Earth to reinvigorate us. If she dries up and dies, we die.

So we have to learn to think deeply. If we continue extracting these things out of the land, who benefits? It becomes a commodity for someone else, not for the Traditional Owners.

We need to realign ourselves back into Country and the waterways, because we’re of that, we go back to that. We’re not separate from it. It’s an asset, it’s our lifeways.

More about N’Arweet Dr Carolyn Briggs

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