What is volunteering?

Volunteering Australia describes volunteering as 'time willingly given for the common good and without financial gain’. At Museums Victoria, a volunteer is someone who freely contributes their time and skills to a not-for-profit organisation in order to help us further our goals.

Do I need a Working with Children Check?

Yes, it is a State Government and Museums Victoria requirement for all Front of House roles. All successful applicants must obtain a Working with Children Check before commencing their volunteer role.

Do I need a National Police Check?

Yes, it is a Museums Victoria requirement that all new volunteers undergo a National Police Check. This usually takes place after the information session.

Why is the process to become a volunteer so involved?

Museums Victoria is lucky enough to have many people interested in volunteering with us. We will only recruit volunteers when the need arises so that you are guaranteed an active position. Our induction also makes sure that new volunteers have been given all the information they need to effectively and safely carry out their volunteer role.

What can't volunteers do at Museums Victoria?

At Museums Victoria the role of volunteers is to augment and enhance the role of paid staff. There are no voluntary positions that involve the handling of money (e.g. ticketing, retail, IMAX or working in the finance department), or which involve a duty of care for visitor or collection safety.

Can I volunteer any day or time?

It depends upon the voluntary role you take up. Most visitor facing or 'Front of House' roles are available 7 days a week all year except Christmas Day and Good Friday, between 10am-5pm. Behind the Scenes or 'Back of House' roles are only available on weekdays. There are no regular evening voluntary positions, though some special events may occur in the evening needing volunteer assistants.

What kind of time commitment do I need to make as a volunteer?

Once established, volunteers commit to a weekly or fortnightly rostered position between 2-8 hours long, dependent on the role.

Am I limited to one volunteer role only?

While we encourage new volunteers to start with one voluntary role, we hope that once established, volunteers will expand their voluntary commitments to suit their interests and lifestyle.

Will there be ongoing training?

Yes, we have an extensive training and development program that volunteers can take advantage of. It is part of the volunteer Agreement with Museums Victoria that further training will be provided on an ongoing basis to support volunteer roles.

What happens if I am sick or want to go on holiday?

Our program is flexible enough to accommodate those needs, providing that the minimum number of hours is met.

Can I apply for a short-term volunteer role?

While we appreciate the offer of help, we are looking for volunteers who feel they can make an ongoing commitment to being part of the Museums Victoria team.

By becoming a Museum volunteer are there opportunities for getting a job there?

Any voluntary experience is a great boost to your resume, but Museum volunteers are not eligible to apply for positions that are advertised internally to paid staff. However, volunteers are welcome to apply for externally advertised Museums Victoria positions.

Does Museums Victoria provide travel assistance to its volunteers?

No, it does not. We ask you to carefully consider the financial impact that regular attendance at the museum will have on your personal circumstances.

How do I keep in touch with what's happening at the Museum?

Volunteers must have an active email address. Regular newsletters are sent containing Museum news, opportunities and reminders about coming dates and events. It is a vital part of keeping in touch between shifts and the preferred method of contact.

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