Shallow-water polychaete assemblages in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea and its possible use in the evaluation of good environmental state

Rafael Sardá, Letzy Serrano, Céline Labrune, João Gil, David March, Jean Michel Amouroux, Sergi Taboada, Paulo Bonifácio and Antoine Grémare

Memoirs of Museum Victoria Vol 71 p. 289–301 (2014)



Forty-four shore-normal transects along the Northwestern Mediterranean coast between the mouth of the Rhône River (France) and Valencia City (Spain) were sampled during the REDIT-I (September 1998, [R1]) and REDIT-II (December 1999, [R2]) campaigns. Polychaete distribution patterns on shallow littoral fine sands (10 to 50 m water depths) were analyzed at a regional scale. A total of 359 species of polychaetes were identified which represents 38% of all polychaete species recorded in the western Mediterranean. Four main soft-bottom communities were identified from the samples in the area: Littoral Fine Sands, Littoral Sandy Mud, Terrigenous Coastal Mud and Detritic Sand. Predominantly sandy environments were characterized by Ditrupa arietina and Owenia fusiformis while Lumbrineris latreilliHilbigneris gracilis and Sternaspis scutata were numerically dominant in muddy environments. Biological diversity assessments at different temporal and spatial scales are required by the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) in accordance with criteria and methodological standards of Good Environmental Status (GEnS). Selected indicators for descriptors are explored based on this mesoscale assessment.


Sardá, R., Serrano, L., Labrune, C., Gil, J., March, D., Amouroux, J.M., Taboada, S., Bonifácio, P. & Grémare, A., 2014. Shallow-water polychaete assemblages in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea and its possible use in the evaluation of good environmental state. Memoirs of Museum Victoria 71: 289-301.

PUBLICATION DATE: 18 December 2014

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