Do you have a climate change story?

Seeing others making positive change has a ripple effect. Submit your story and photos showing what you are doing. Big and small, local and regional — there are many ways to combat climate change.

Woman holding a woven ring in front of a vegetable garden
"It is amazing how much food you can produce from a small plot" Elizabeth Collins coordinates Project GreenPlot encouraging home vegie gardening in South Gippsland.
  • What action are you taking?
  • Why did you decide to do this?
  • What helped you to achieve this action?
  • Do you have advice or encouragement for others wanting to do something similar?

Enter your details and story below. If you have more than one image, please send these in a .zip folder or mention it and we will get in touch with you via email.

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Share your climate change story All fields are optional unless specified
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