cartoon of a dog in a kennel

Tycho to the Moon

Tickets sold out
No upcoming sessions
General information
Ages 3 to 8
Includes museum entry
Adult $25
Senior $20
Child/Concession $10
Member $8

Meet Tycho, a dog who doesn’t just howl at the Moon, but wants to go there.

Blast off on an amazing ride into space with Tycho and his young friends, Ruby and Michael.

Learn about night and day, space travel, the phases of the Moon and features of the lunar surface. Take a close-up look at the Sun, watch the effects of gravity, see the Earth from space and watch meteors shoot across the night sky.

All Planetarium sessions include a presenter-led What’s in the sky tonight? presentation.

Please note: sessions during school hours may include school groups.


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A social story for this experience can be found on our Autism Friendly Museum webpage.


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