Energy is a Superpower

Part of the Science is a Superpower Workshop Series

Tickets sold out
General information
Children $52
Member child $45
Non-participating Adult Free
Non-participating Concession Free

This half-day STEM workshop explores the many forms of energy we employ to power our lives. Through captivating shows and fun STEM activities, learn about different sources of energy and ways that energy can be used, while considering the environmental impact.

During the workshop, participants join a Lightning Theatre show, chat with an engineering expert and take part in an electrical energy STEM challenge to design a light-up greeting card. Get crafty with circuits and learn all about electricity, and flex those budding creative and engineering skills to make a custom card of your own.

Important information

  • This workshop is for girls and non-binary people aged 10 to 12.
  • Tickets include Scienceworks entry and workshop participation for the participant. It also includes an entry ticket for the accompanying adult bringing the child on site.
  • A parent or guardian will be required to complete and sign a consent form for your child to attend the workshop.
  • Note that lunch and snacks are not included – please bring a packed lunch for your child.
  • If you’d like to bring others to Scienceworks for the day, please book separate tickets for your group.

About the Science is a Superpower workshops

This series of five workshops provide girls and non-binary people aged 10 to 12 with opportunities to utilise and develop their STEM superpowers. Designed to complement the Science is a Superpower video series, these workshops explore how strength, curiosity, calmness, energy and kindness are useful when working within STEM. Participants will get access to unique Scienceworks experiences, engage in design challenges, conduct experiments, speak to real world STEM experts and meet likeminded fellow tweens.

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