Lights, Energy, Action
- What
- Museum Staff-led
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
- 30 minutes in the Lightning Theatre
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Years 3 to 6
- Minmum student numbers
- Minimum 15 students
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 118 students
- Cost
- $9 per student + education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
Explore all things ENERGY through three rounds of electrifying demonstrations.
Explore energy through three rounds of electrifying demonstrations in this Lightning Theatre show. This curriculum-linked show investigates different kinds of energy, including light, sound, electricity, and how they intertwine.
Students will experience
- A live show themed like a game show, in which students are the audience and the contestants
- Demonstrations showing different types of energy, and how energy can be transformed from one form to another
- Music played by lightning itself
- Pickles that can turn into light bulbs
- Ethanol explosions that send corks flying
- Spectacular two-million-volt lightning bolts, created by a gigantic Tesla coil
Students will learn
- That there are many kinds of energy, which all fit into two categories; working (kinetic) and stored (potential) energy
- That heat, sound, light and electricity can make things move
- That energy can be transformed from one form to another
Other key information
- Students with pacemakers or cochlear implants can attend this program safely.
Victorian Curriculum links
Science: Levels 3 and 4
Physical sciences
heat energy can be generated from different sources; temperature changes may happen when heat is transferred from one object to another
Science: Levels 5 and 6
Physical sciences
light can be produced from many sources; light travels in a straight path, can form shadows, and can be absorbed, transmitted, reflected or refracted by objects
materials may be electrical insulators or conductors; energy can be transferred and transformed in electrical circuits where the components of a circuit play particular roles in the function of the circuit
Design and Technologies: Level 5 and 6
Engineering principles and systems
explain how electrical energy can be transformed into movement, sound or light in a product or system