Education and Learning

Activities and information that connects to First Peoples knowledge, by providing education and learning experiences that are informed by First Peoples cultural owners and custodians.

Wangilatha Wangu nga Kiyawatha | Singing Songs and Telling Stories

Author, Illustrator and singer of songs: Brendan Kennedy Tati Tati Wadi Wadi Mutti Mutti

Produced by: Wunungu Awara: Animating Indigenous Knowledges, Monash Indigenous Studies Centre, Monash University

pathangalu wiringil yakatha kathinatha | Pelican Catches Golden Perch

karawi mirndai puyindhata tirrili turti | Big Snake in the Night Sky Stars

wara mirmbul gagada | Making a Fish Trap

dinawi purtowen | Cockatoo Sunset

kulpi murrembin | Water Rats

Continue celebrating NAIDOC week

Arts and Cultures

Living arts and cultures have been at the core of First Peoples practices since time immemorial. 


Science and Technology

Learn more about how First Peoples have been using scientific methods, such as observation and experimentation in their everyday life. 


Learn about activism and survival of First Peoples of Australia through stories and some of our collection items of protest.

Flat lay image of a book called "Young Dark Emu" on an orange background

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