A view from behind of a man holding a child looking at T.rex skull in a showcase.

Victoria the T. rex Opening Weekend Dinosaur Party

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Celebrate the opening weekend of the Victoria the T. rex exhibition with mask making, scavenger hunts and dinosaur talks for kids – all free with your Melbourne Museum entry ticket.


T. rex Masks

11am to 3pm Saturday & Sunday | Main Foyer | Ages 3 to 12
Celebrate the arrival of Victoria the T. rex at Melbourne Museum, the home of the dinosaurs and create your own 3-D T. rex mask. Fold your mask into shape, decorate it and then chomp, roar and stomp your way across the museum.

Dinosaurs and Fossils pop-up

11am to 3pm Saturday & Sunday | Main Foyer | Ages 2 to 12

A museum paleontologist shows a fossil to children and their guardians.
Learn about what fossils can teach us about your favourite dinosaurs.

Become a palaeontologist for the day! Go back in time to explore a range of different interpretative fossils with dinosaurs from Australia and around the world. 

Museum Discovery | Dinosaur Stories

Saturday & Sunday | MEET IN MAIN FOYER | Ages 6 to 12
Hosted by play and learning experts and our friends from the Museums Victoria Research Institute, come and meet a real dinosaur lover, ask all your roar-some questions and uncover new insights about your favourite dinosaurs!

11am | Dinosaur Walk
12pm | Triceratops
1pm | T. rex
2pm | Gandel Gondwana Garden

100 Tiny Dinos Scavenger Hunt and Competition

Saturday & Sunday | All Ages

Plastic dinosaurs at the entrance of the Mini Mega Model Museum entrance
100 Tiny Dinosaurs escape from the Mini Mega Model Museum

It's time to din-O-seek. The tiny dinosaurs are on the loose at Melbourne Museum and you have to find them! Tiny T. rex's are hiding all over the Melbourne Museum and it's not going to be easy to find them all. You need patience and a keen eye for this prehistoric search to find all 100, especially the 11 dinosaurs sticker clues and the mysterious golden T. rex.

Find the 11 dinosaur stickers and unscramble the letters to discover the unique code word for your chance to win. If you're lucky enough to locate the golden T. rex dinosaur, let the staff know where it is and if you're correct, they will give you a unique code word for your chance to win again.

See prizes and 100 Tiny Dinos terms and conditions

Dancing Dinosaurs - It's time for a Dino Disco!

3 to 4:30pm Saturday & Sunday | dino bites cafe, lower ground floor | Ages 4 to 10

A child poses as T. rex in a dinosaur costume.
Set your tiny terrors loose on the dancefloor.

The Museum's guest DJ will whip up a dinosaur frenzy playing all the dinosaur song favourites mixed in with disco greats. Dress up and learn how to move like different dinosaurs, and build up your new moves for the dino disco.

Meet Baby Triceratops

10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm & 1:30pm Saturday & Sunday | Science and Life Gallery, Ground level | Ages 2 to 12

Children pat a baby triceratops.
Meet and greet our newest baby Triceratops up close.

We know that dinosaurs had babies, and they probably all hatched from an egg. But what did they look like or sound like?

This program is part of the Playbound festival.


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