Is it a dinosaur?

You probably think know a dinosaur when you see one—but are you absolutely sure?

Let’s put your knowledge to the test.

We’ll show you two images and you click on the one that shows a dinosaur. Sounds easy, right? Let’s go!

Which one of these is a dinosaur?

Triceratops is a dinosaur—and a cow is definitely not a dinosaur!

That one was pretty easy, let’s try something harder...

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Which one of these is a dinosaur?

A duck is a dinosaur. That’s because it’s a bird, and birds are living dinosaurs.

Back in the Cretaceous period there were many types of dinosaurs, but they were all wiped out by the asteroid impact about 66 million years ago—all except the avian dinosaurs, that is.

Every bird alive today evolved from avian dinosaurs. Just as humans are mammals, birds are dinosaurs.

The woolly mammoth is an extinct mammal related to today’s elephants—it's definitely not a dinosaur!

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Which one of these is a dinosaur?

A chicken is a type of bird and remember: birds are living dinosaurs.

Pterosaurs are an extinct group of flying reptiles. They are not dinosaurs, although they lived at the same time as dinosaurs. And even though they can fly, they are not related to birds.

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Which one of these is a dinosaur?

      A dodo is an extinct bird and birds are living dinosaurs.

      The dodo was alive around 400 years ago on the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It couldn’t fly, which made the dodo easy to catch, and it was hunted to extinction by introduced predators.

      Dimetrodon lived about 40 million years before the dinosaurs. Despite its appearance it is not a dinosaur. In fact, it’s more closely related to us than it is to the dinosaurs!

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      Which one of these is a dinosaur?

      A penguin is a bird and birds are … that’s right, birds are living dinosaurs!

      The komodo dragon is not a dinosaur. But it is the largest lizard on Earth today, which is quite impressive.

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      Which one of these is a dinosaur?

          A peacock is a bird—just look at those feathers—and birds are living dinosaurs.

          On the other hand, Champsosaurus is an extinct reptile, but not a dinosaur.

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          Which one of these is a dinosaur?

          The sabre-toothed cat is a prehistoric mammal. It went extinct about 10,000 years ago.

          The emu, however, is a bird and birds are … you guessed it, dinosaurs!

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          Which one of these is a dinosaur?

          Anatalavis is a prehistoric bird related to ducks and geese. And, of course, because it’s a bird it’s a dinosaur!

          On the other hand, Protungulatum is not a dinosaur. It’s an extinct mammal that lived alongside many dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period. Protungulatum is related to modern ungulates—animals with hooves like horses, sheep, deer and hippos.

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          You scored 8

          Image credits
          Introduction, Q1 – Triceratops, Raul Ramos Introduction, Q3 – Chicken, James Wainscoat/Unsplash
          Q4 – Dimetrodon, Wikicommons
          Q5 – Komodo Dragon, David Clode/Unsplash; Penguin, Kanjanapa Srisuwan/Unsplash
          Q6 – Champsosaurus, Rebecca Dart; Peacock, Siddhant Kumar/Unsplash
          Q7 – Emu, Dawn McDonald/Unsplash
          Q8 – Anatalavis and Protungulatum, Rebecca Dart

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