Qui-Gon Jinn the Jedi master and the Darth Maul the Sith Lord crossing lightsabers in a duel at LEGO for LEGO® Star Wars: The Exhibition at Melbourne Museum.

LEGO® Star Wars: The Exhibition

Includes Museum Entry
Adult $38
Child $24
Adult Member $33
Child Member $19
Flexible Entry From $44

LEGO® Star Wars: The Exhibition will make its galaxy-first debut at Melbourne Museum in May 2025!

This world-first exhibition brings two of the world’s most beloved brands together with renowned LEGO® Certified Professional Ryan ‘Brickman’ McNaught at the controls.

May the bricks be with you! Embark on an epic hands-on and immersive journey through the galaxy's first LEGO® Star Wars exhibition.

LEGO® fans and Star Wars enthusiasts will experience the Force like never before, with iconic characters and scenes brought to life in stunning LEGO® brick detail. Step into a world of epic battles, gargantuan spaceships and stunning landscapes from a galaxy far, far away. Using over 8 million LEGO® bricks and taking more than 25,000 hours to complete, LEGO® Star Wars: The Exhibition is built right here in Melbourne at The Brickman headquarters.

Visitors are also invited to help build massive LEGO Star Wars landscapes brick by brick, take part in hands-on build activities, and see their LEGO Star Wars builds digitally come to life as they choose their allegiance and face-off against their friends. From building starfighters to creating custom lightsabers out of LEGO bricks, there will be interactive elements and engaging experiences for fans of all ages! 

Build, battle and explore the galaxy – only at Melbourne Museum.

See it First


For exclusive content and behind-the-brick sneak peeks, visit www.legostarwarstheexhibition.com



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