A child excitedly finds a tiny brontosaurus.

100 Tiny Dinos

Scavenger Hunt and Competition​

Included with museum entry
$0 to $15

It's time to Din-O-Seek! The tiny dinosaurs are on the loose at Melbourne Museum and you have to find them! Tiny Dinosaurs are hiding all over the Melbourne Museum and it's not going to be easy to find them all.

You need patience and a keen eye for this prehistoric search to find all 100, especially the 11 Dinosaurs Sticker clues and the mysterious Crystal T. rex.

Find the 11 dinosaur stickers and unscramble the letters to discover the unique code word for your chance to win one of five prize packs valued at $150 each! If you're lucky enough to locate the mysterious Crystal T. rex, take note of its location, then navigate to the competition entry page above. Enter the gallery name/exhibition name and submit for your chance to win a prize pack valued at $500!

Children point at one of the hidden letters attached to a dinosaur display sign.
Unscramble 11 hidden letters to solve the puzzle and win!

What can you learn about Dinosaurs while you are on the hunt – read the story below to see if you can find some clues to this prehistoric mystery!

100 Tiny Dinosaurs

On a dark and stormy evening at 11:54,

100 tiny dinosaurs walked towards the door.


They said hello to Horridus on display

Then one by one in single file they went upon their way...

A journey to welcome Victoria T. rex began

But getting lost in the museum was not the plan


They travelled high and travelled low

Their journey to Victoria T. rex was sometimes so slow

Those tiny legs worked hard and long

They explored and discovered so much along


They walked through the Dinosaur Walk surrounded by fossils

They felt so small being just little models

Gandel Gondwana Garden presented a challenge

They found dinosaurs and megafauna with claws and talons


They explored all the spaces, they were on the hunt

To find the Victoria Trex, they searched from back to front

They learnt so much about Dinosaurs along the way

They could explore all night and learn all day


Suddenly they found something exciting and new

A crystal T rex that was shiny and true

A code word with clues that had to unscramble

A puzzling puzzle to add to their ramble


The journey to Victoria T. rex the new addition

Horridus sent them on this very special mission

They are hiding here and hiding there

Can you find them everywhere?


Unscramble the letters to learn the clue

Can you help them – what will you do?

100 tiny dinosaurs need your keen eyes

Will you find them and the Crystal T. rex surprise!

Dinosaurs have escaped and are on their way to see Victoria the T. rex and are hiding from our staff. Where, oh where could they be? Join the prehistoric search and help us find out.

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