Luth, Dermochelys coriacea

Plate 101. The Luth, or Leathery Turtle, Sphargis coriacea (now known as the luth, Dermochelys coriacea) found in Portland

Black-and-white scientific illustration of a leathery turtle
PZ 101.1 - Illustration - Luth, Dermochelys coriacea, Arthur Bartholomew

Of all living Chelonians the Luth is the largest, some recorded being 9 feet long; our specimen, from the size and the distinct tuberculation of the dorsal ridges, is only half grown; but there are no traces of the fine ridges on the sternum said to be found in the very young.

The species above is the only one I have known to have occurred on the shores of the colony. It was captured in 1862 at Portland.

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