White's Skink, Egernia whitii

Plate 191, Figure 1. White's Hinulia Lizard, Hinulia whitei (now known as White's Skink, Egernia whitii), found at Prahran

Scientific illustration of a White's Skink
PZ 191.2 - Illustration - White's Skink, Egernia whitii, John James Wild

This is one of the most elegantly marked, but most variable of the small Lizards common in Victoria. The two white spotted broad, black, longitudinal stripes on the back are the most constant of the markings, but the markings of the sides vary greatly, sometimes presenting two or three rows of round whitish spots, margined irregularly with black; more commonly the sides show only a number of black spots of very irregular size and shape.

This Lizard, like other species of Hinulia, does not climb trees or bushes like the so-called Blooksucker (Grammatophora), but keeps on the ground under logs and stones, darting rapidly through the herbage when disturbed.

The specimen figured is rather less than the average size. From Prahran, near Melbourne. It occasionally reaches a length of 1 ft. 2 in.

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