Legless Lizard, Delma inornata

Plate 153, Figure 1. Frazer's Delma, Delma frazeri (now known as the Legless Lizard, Delma inornata) found near Melbourne

Scientific illustration of a Legless Lizard
PZ 153.1 - Illustration - Legless Lizard, Delma inornata, John James Wild

The greater number of the species found near Melbourne are of the plain uniform coloring of our figure, but I have a few with dark markings on the head and sides of the neck depicted by Gray and Smith, differing in no other respect from the plain ones. One specimen in the Museum, from Newington station, in the Wimmera district, presented by Mr. Foster, of Stawell, has grown two tails, forking out from the place of previous fracture.

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