Cunningham's Skink, Egernia cunninghami

Plate 141. The Spiny-ridged Lizard, Egernia cunninghami (now known as Cunningham's Skink, Egernia cunninghami) found in Brighton. Mentions Merri Creek and Sunbury (formerly not known)

Scientific illustration of a Cunningham's Skink
PZ 141.4 - Illustration - Cunningham's Skink, Egernia cunninghami, John James Wild

This rare Lizard was formerly not uncommon at Merri Creek and similar rocky places near Melbourne, and at Sunbury.

The indigo-blue colour of the tongue is so striking as to suggest the popular name of Blue-Tongue for both the banded and the blotched species of Cyclodus (C. gigas and C. nigroluteus), and this Egernia; but the latter, which has the tongue of the same colour, but paler, is easily distinguished by its long slender toes and ridged and strongly spined scales.

The species figured is from Brighton.

Not figured of the colours of life before.

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