Wood White Butterfly, Delias aganippe

Plate 10. Pieris (Thyca) aganippe (now known as the Wood White Butterfly, Delias aganippe)

Wood White Butterfly by Arthur Bartholomew. Colour proof a - lithographic ink and pencil on paper
PZ 10.3 – Lithographic colour proof - Pieris (Thyca) aganippe, Arthur Bartholomew

The larvæ of this species feed on the leaves of the Loranthus or Native Mistletoe as it is called, which clings parasitically to the lofty branches of the so-called Gum Trees (Eucalypti), and the pupa differs completely from that of the Thyca Harpalyce in being solitary.

This species is not so common as the Thyca Harpalyce, and has a rather swifter, although slow, flight. And keeps for the most part about the tops of the Gum and "Wattle" trees (Acacia), and on the so-called Native Cherry (Exocarpus), on the leaves of which the larva feeds as well as on the Loranthus; rarely approaching the ground level. There are two broods in the year, remaining in the pupa state about three weeks, varying according to the weather; a few of the last brood continue in the pupa state over rhe winter, the butterfly appearing in the spring. The male seems to be scarcer than the females, and are always smaller.

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