Violet-winged Phasma, Didymuria violescens

Plate 79, Figures 1-2. The Violet-winged Phasma, Acrophylla violascens (now known as Didymuria violescens) found in Oakleigh

PZ 79 - Illustration - Violet-winged Phasma, Didymuria violescens, by Arthur Bartholemew.

The deep violet colour of the under-wings in the males is so curiously different from the rosy pink of the same part in the females that no one would guess they were sexes of the same species if it had not been a matter of observation beyond doubt.

Not very uncommon at Oakleigh, near Melbourne.

A large variety, 3 inches 6 lines long (male), with stouter legs and paler wings, occurs at Warragul, and females found therewith have the wings colourless; but they seem to be only local varieties.

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