Largetooth Beardie, Lotella rhacina

Plate 19. The Small-scaled Rock Cod, Lotella callarias (now known as Largetooth Beardie, Lotella rhacinus), found in Port Phillip Bay

Largetooth Beardie, Lotella rhacina, by Arthur Bartholomew (del) and Frederick Schoenfeld (lith). Drawing - pencil, watercolour and Indian ink
PZ 19.1 – Watercolour and pencil drawing, Largetooth Beardie, Lotella rhacina, Port Phillip, Victoria, Arthur Bartholomew

This fish is much rarer than the ordinary Rock Cod; being caught however at the same time of year, and in similar localities in Port Phillip Bay. It is easily distinguished, even without even without the characters of the mouth, by the narrow uniform brown color and very much smaller and more numerous scales. It is moderately good for the table, but not in much request.

This species has not been figured before.

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