Golden Perch, Macquaria ambigua

Plate 84. Murray Golden Perch, Ctenolates ambiguus (now known as the Golden Perch, Macquaria ambigua)

Golden Perch, Macquaria ambigua by Arthur Bartholomew. Lithographic proof - lithographic ink on paper
PZ 84.13 – Lithographic colour proof of a Golden Perch, Macquaria ambigua, by Arthur Bartholomew

This beautiful fish is much esteemed for the table, and is commonly about 3lbs. or 4lbs. weight. An enormous specimen, of which the dimensions are given, (total length of 1 foot 11 inches) weighed 8 3/4lbs.

The general hue, like the fashionable color "old gold," is a most striking and beautiful characteristic of this fish, when fresh, distinguishing it from the many other Murray-River fish with which it comes plentifully to the market, and well warranting its popular name amongst the colonists of "Golden Perch." It has not been figured of its natural colors before.

Common in the River Murray and its branches, but not found in any river of Victoria flowing southwards to the sea.

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