Common Gurnard Perch, Neosebastes scorpaenoides

Plate 193. The Spotted Red Gurnet-Perch, Neosebastes scorpænoides (now known as the Ruddy Gurnard Perch, Neosebastes scorpaenoides)

Scientific illustration of a Common Gurnard Perch
PZ 193.2 - Illustration - Common Gurnard Perch, Neosebastes scorpaenoides by Arthur Bartholomew

This very common fish in the Melbourne markets in winter is confounded by fisherman and dealers with the Banded Red Gurnet-Perch (Sebastes percoides)-(figured on our plate 33, of the Fourth Decade)-under the name Red Gurnet. It is easily distinguished by wanting the vertical or transverse dark bands, and even generically by the lower rays of the pectoral fins being branched like the others, while in the Sebastes several of the lower rays are unbranched and extended beyond the membrane.

Now figured for the first time, although so abundant on our coasts and in the markets.

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