Various catenicellid bryozoans
The number of observers with the microscope is so considerable in Victoria that it seemed to me particularly desirable to take advantage of the microscope skill and powers of observations of some of my friends to present the means of readily identifying some of the more easily preserved, beautiful, and interesting of the minute members of the animal kingdom found in the colony. From the Polyzoa presenting these recommendations in a high degree, and an exact determination of our living species being likewise of great prospective interest to the geologist, as a necessary preliminary to the right understanding of the numerous species occurring in our Territory formations, I several years ago mentioned to my friend Mr. P.H. MacGillivray, so well known for his studies of this group, my desire to publish in this work all that were known on our shores ; and I have to express my greatest thanks to him for immediately presenting a series of his specimens to the National Museum, and furnishing me his notes on them. The specimens I have most carefully figured, the three following plates giving the species of the genera Catenicella, and Membranipora, represented in all the views that seemed needful for the easy and certain recognition of the species.