Florence Li

Product Design and Technology
Top Designs 2010

2020 – Communications Designer

Florence Li
Florence Li, Top Designs alumna

Please give a brief bio and description of your trajectory from Top Designs until now.

I am a Communications Designer, focusing predominantly on visual identities. I have previously worked at Round, a Carlton-based design studio, and am now part of a branding and creative agency called Projects of Imagination.

After finishing high school, I went on to study Visual Communication at Monash University. I had a few short design roles before I took off to travel to London to partake in the Typography Summer School. During the program I met designers from across the globe and was taught by influential creatives such as Fraser Muggeridge and Ken Garland. Upon my return to Melbourne I started an internship at Round. During my five years there, I worked alongside a team of talented designers and creative thinkers and learnt more than I could ever imagine. I then took a year-long sabbatical, travelled across Asia and Europe and returned to start my role at Projects of Imagination.

Being part of Top Designs gave me the confidence to pursue a career in a creative industry; after the exhibition I was seeing future opportunities through the eyes of a young professional, rather than a student.

Do you have any advice for people starting in your field?

The design process should always start with a strong concept. It shouldn’t be about ticking off current trends or simply based on aesthetics.

Grab opportunities when they’re there and seek them out when they’re not. People always say networking is key – and when it comes to the design industry it really is.

Be actively part of the design scene – sign up to events, meet other designers, take part in workshops and learn new skills. You never know when you might meet someone who could help you get your foot in the door.

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