Triceratops Alive!
- What
- Self-directed
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
- 60 minutes total
30 minutes in Dinosaur Walk
30 minutes in Triceratops
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Years F to 2
- Minmum student numbers
- Minimum 10 students
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 60 students
- Cost
- $7 per student + education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
Using your very own dinosaur booklet, explore dinosaur features and discover how they survived.
Students will experience
- See amazing dinosaur skeletons in both the Dinosaur Walk and Triceratops: Fate of the Dinosaurs exhibitions
- Receive an exclusive dinosaur booklet which can be used in the galleries and back at school.
- Examine and touch 3D casts of Triceratops to explore amazing external features such as its giant horns, huge frill and its row of teeth!
Students will learn
- How to label body parts of dinosaurs using simple scientific language.
- How to tell what the function of different external features may have been used for by different dinosaurs.
- How to make and compare observations about dinosaurs.
- Back at school, use the booklet to create a short text on a postcard to describe their museum excursion.
Students will be provided
- An exclusive, curriculum aligned, dinosaur booklet which can be used in the galleries and back at school.
Students will need
- Please bring pencils for students to be able to complete their booklet in the galleries.
Victorian Curriculum links
Biological sciences: Foundation to Level 2
- plants and animals have observable features that can be used to group them in different ways
VC2S2U01 - plants and animals have external features that perform different functions to enable their survival; in plants these features include roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruit, bulbs, trunks and branches while different features in animals enable them to move, breathe, eat and respond to their environment