Road Smart Interactive
- What
- Museum Staff-led
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund- Year level
- Years 9 to 11, VCE VM
- Cost
- Free program
- Booking information
contact the team on
13 11 02 or email us
Road Smart Interactive is an evidence based, highly interactive road safety education program that is free for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 and those undertaking the VCE Vocational Major across all Victorian secondary schools.
Road Smart Interactive is an immersive, evidence-based road safety education incursion for Victorian secondary students.
Using the latest technology, it engages students to explore road safety and how they can play a part in reducing road trauma.
Adapted from Road to Zero at Melbourne Museum, it promotes meaningful discussions about road safety with students, staff, and the broader school community, helping build a safer, healthier school environment.
Students will experience
- Exploring how the human body would need to adapt to survive different speeds
- Adding features to road environments to make them safe for all road users
- Taking a virtual reality road trip to uncover how Victoria is working towards zero deaths on our roads
- Competing with their peers in a quiz about road user behaviour
- Designing a safe car and performing a virtual crash test
- Exploring road safety around the world using an interactive map
Students will learn
- About how zero road deaths and serious injuries in Victoria can be achieved
- How they can play a part in keeping themselves and others safe on and around roads
- What actions they, with their teachers and school leaders, can take to improve safety for their school community
Other key information
- The program is fully self-contained and facilitated by skilled road safety educators. Our Road Smart Interactive team bring in a van containing the digital experiences and set up in schools for up to 5 days. All schools need to do is provide a space for the experiences to be set up.
Victorian Curriculum links
Health and physical education levels 9 to 10
Contributing to healthy communities
- Plan, rehearse and evaluate strategies (including first aid and CPR) for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety or wellbeing may be negatively impacted at home, school and in the community
VC2HP10P08 - Critique health information, services and media messaging about relationships, lifestyle choices, health decisions and behaviours to evaluate their influence on their own, others’ and community’s attitudes and actions
VC2HP10P09 - Plan, justify and critique strategies to enhance their own, others’ and community’s health, safety, relationships and wellbeing
Ethical Capability
- How connections, distinctions and tensions between ethical concepts and between ethical perspectives are used to identify and analyse ethical issues, including their ethical significance, and how they are used to analyse responses to ethical issues, including their ethical significance
VC2CE10D01 - How more than one of the consequences framework, duties framework or virtues framework can be used to guide decision-making in response to an ethical issue, and similarities and differences between these and alternative ethical frameworks
Personal and Social Capability
Self-efficacy and sense of purpose
- The significance of individual responsibility and adaptability in decision-making when completing challenging tasks and planning for the future
VCE Vocational Major
- Unit 1: Healthy individuals
- Unit 2: Connecting with community
- Unit 3: Leadership and teamwork
- Unit 4: Community project
- Unit 1: Understanding and creating digital texts
- Unit 2: Understanding issues and voices, Responding to opinions
- Unit 4: Understanding and engaging with literacy for advocacy
- Units 1-4: Personal numeracy, Civic numeracy, Health numeracy