Free VCES Programs

An illustration of a male and female Tasmanian Tiger, Thylacinus cynocephalus, published in The mammals of Australia, 1863.

The Department of Education has funded the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series provides extension and enrichment activities across the curriculum to engage, challenge and extend high-ability students. 

Melbourne Museum is funded to offer a program that connect Years 7 to 10 students to Biological science as part of this series.

In 2025, Melbourne Museum is diversifying the offer to support your high abilities students to experience high quality, extension programs – connected to the incredible exhibitions, experts and learning experiences with our museum.

Please note: These programs are only available to government schools. Bookings are essential for all programs and can be made through our bookings team on 13 11 02. The bookings office operates from 9am to 4:30pm daily.

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