Make your own T-rex mask

Did you know that Tyrannosaurus rex had an incredibly powerful bite… perhaps the strongest of any land animal that ever lived? Look the part with your very own chomping T-rex mask to wear at home. Can you roar like a dinosaur?

Look the part with your very own chomping Tyrannosaurus rex mask to wear at home. Can you roar like a dinosaur?

You will need

  • Activity sheets printed out in A3 - thicker paper will work best, but normal paper will also work fine
  • Coloured crayons, pencils or textas
  • Scissors
  • Masking or cellophane tape
  • Two split pins (if you don’t have any split pins, sticky tape will also work fine)
  • A skewer or something to poke a hole through paper

What to do

1. Colour in and cut-out the T-rex template. What colour do you think a T-rex was millions of years ago?

2. Fold along the dotted lines to make your skull three dimensional.

3. Carefully connect the ‘left hand side’ and ‘right hand side’ of the T-rex mask using sticky tape across the overlapping tab on the nose of the mask.

4. Use a skewer or something sharp to poke holes through the four solid circle dots on each end of the templates.

5. Secure the lower jaw to the rest of the mask using two split pins. If you don’t have any split pins, you can sticky tape the lower jaw onto the rest of the mask.

6. Place the mask on your child’s head then tape the rear head strap to the opposite side for a comfortable fit. 

7. It’s time to roar like a Tyrannosaur!

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