We believe every Victorian should have access to the knowledge and unique, hands-on learning experiences that our museums and outreach provide.

Donate today to support Museums Victoria in our commitment to addressing financial, geographic and language barriers to accessing our museums through a suite of initiatives including outreach programs, multilingual content, and subsidised or free access for school students.

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible.

Contact us

For more information about supporting Museums Victoria or to discuss making a contribution, please contact the Philanthropy Team on +61 478 853 308 or via mvdevelopment@museum.vic.gov.au

Tax information

Donations of $2 or more to Museums Board of Victoria are tax deductible. Museums Board of Victoria ABN 63 640 679 155 is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

Donating objects

Museums Victoria warmly appreciates the generous offers we receive from individuals looking to donate items to our collections. To learn more please visit our page on donating items.

Payment options

Make a donation with your Credit Card.

Bank deposit
Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Branch: 21 Swanston St, Melbourne, VIC
BSB: 063 011
Account Number: 10081066
Swift Code: CTBAAU2S (International Payments)

Please provide your full name on the electronic transfer along with the code MVFUTURE.

To ensure your donation is registered and directed towards your areas of interest, please provide your details via email to mvdevelopment@museum.vic.gov.au.

Please contact the Museums Victoria Development team on +61 (0) 435 174 216.

Museums Board of Victoria
GPO Box 666
Melbourne, Victoria 3001

Unless otherwise agreed, Museums Victoria reserves the right to determine at its sole discretion the initiatives to be delivered and how any donated funds are to be applied.

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