VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) Personal Development Skills Strand Program
- What
- Self-directed
- When
- Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
- Duration
- 60 minutes
Curriculum links & Accessibility & Access Fund - Year level
- Maximum student numbers
- Maximum 25 students
- Cost
- $7 per student + education service fee
- Booking information
- Bookings 13 11 02
In the Identity exhibition, VCE students can explore identity, belonging and what it means to be part of a culturally diverse society.
Students will experience
- Visiting the Identity: yours, mine, ours exhibition to reflect on what it means to be part of various communities in the 21st century, whether family, local, national or global.
- Engaging with personal stories, cultural objects and artefacts, compelling images and interactive multimedia experiences.
- An introduction to the museum by a staff member and a booklet to record their findings from the gallery displays.
Students will learn
- How our cultural heritage, languages, beliefs and family connections influence our self-perceptions and our perceptions of other people.
- How perceptions can lead to discovery, confusion, prejudice and understanding
- To challenge the assumptions we make about each other.
Students will be provided
- A booklet to guide them through the Identity: yours, mine, ours exhibition and for them to record their findings.
Students will need
- Pen or pencil.
Other key information
- Teachers are advised to visit the exhibition and website prior to the group visit in order to prepare students for the exhibition experience.
Victorian Curriculum links
VCE Vocational Major Personal Development Skills
Strand Unit 1 and 2
Unit 1 Healthy Individuals
- Area of Study 1: Personal identity and emotional intelligence
- Area of Study 2: Community health and wellbeing
Unit 2: Connecting with community
- Area of Study 1: What is community?
- Area of Study 2: Community cohesion