A photo of Identity exhibition. There are video screens, objects in glass cases and walls with abstract art.

Identity and Belonging: Self-directed

Terms 1 to 4, Monday to Friday
60 minutes
Year level
Years 7 to 10, VCE
Maximum student numbers
Maximum 25 students
$7 per student + education service fee
Booking information
Bookings 13 11 02

Explore identity and belonging and what it means to be part of a culturally diverse society.

This is a self-directed session. There is a short introduction provided by Museum staff to contextualise the visit.

Teachers are advised to visit the exhibition and website prior to the group visit in order to prepare students for the exhibition experience.

The exhibition focuses on how our cultural heritage, languages, beliefs, and family connections influence our self-perceptions and our perceptions of other people – perceptions that can lead to discovery, confusion, prejudice and understanding.

Engaging personal stories, intriguing objects, compelling images and interactive multimedia experiences invite visitors to find connections with others, as well as challenge the assumptions we make about each other every day. Visitors are encouraged to share their own stories, affirm their own identities and celebrate diversity in our community.

Identity: yours, mine, ours offers students, teachers and schools opportunities to reflect on what it means to be part of various communities in the 21st century, whether family, local, national or global.

The Victorian Curriculum identifies the Intercultural Capability as one of the four capabilities to be addressed in the delivery of the F to 10 curriculum. This exhibition offers opportunities for students to reflect upon and consider a range of scenarios highlighting experiences of belonging and not belonging in a diverse society.

At a national level, Intercultural Understanding is one of the general capabilities underpinning the Australian Curriculum.

Victorian Curriculum links

  • Intercultural Capability: Level 7 to 10
  • VCE English
  • VCE Sociology Unit 3 – Area of Study 2

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