Play and Folklore
Play and Folklore was published between 1981 and 2016 as forum for discussion about childhood and children's culture.

Australian Children's Folklore Collection
The Australian Children's Folklore Collection (ACFC) brings to Museum Victoria a direct and personal voice from children at play. It is one of the largest and most significant archives of its kind in the world, reflecting Australia's cultural and regional diversity.
It included articles, letters, memoirs and research studies that examined what children do when largely free of adult direction or control - their colloquial speech, songs, games, rhymes, riddles, jokes, insults and secret languages, their friendships and enmities, their beliefs and hopes. Play and Folklore was previously published as the Australian Children's Folklore Newsletter (1981-1996).
Play and Folklore was published bi-annually by Museums Victoria's Humanities (previously History & Technology) Department, with contributions from all parts of the world. It was edited by June Factor, Gwenda Beed Davey and Judy McKinty.
If you have any inquiries about Play and Folklore, please contact us.
Every issue of Play and Folklore is available to download below.