New cucumariid species from southern Australia (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida: Cucumariidae)

P. Mark O’Loughlin

Memoirs of Museum Victoria Vol 64 p. 23–34 (2007)



Four cucumariid species, new to science, are described for the rocky shallows and off-shore sediments of southern Australia: Apsolidium falconerae, Neoamphicyclus altoffi, Neoamphicyclus materiae, Neocucumella turnerae. Neocucumella turnerae sp. nov. is unique within the genus in not having table ossicles. The five syntypes of Cucumaria mutans Joshua are reviewed, restricted to three, and a lectotype and two paralectotypes are designated. The genus Neoamphicyclus Hickman is reviewed. Cucumaria mutans is referred to Neoamphicyclus Hickman. One former syntype of Cucumaria mutans is assigned to Neoamphicyclus materiae sp. nov. One former syntype of Cucumaria mutans has lost all ossicles and is assigned to Neoamphicyclus sp. A key is provided for the species of Neoamphicyclus Hickman.


O'Loughlin, P.M., 2007. New cucumariid species from southern Australia (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Dendrochirotida: Cucumariidae). Memoirs of Museum Victoria 64: 23-34.


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