Wominjeka | Welcome

Our organisation, in partnership with the First Peoples of Victoria, is working to place First Peoples living cultures and histories at the core of our practice.

New Wominjeka Artwork

Visitors to our museums will be greeted with Mirring Walatha | Countries Embrace, the artwork by Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba artist Tommy Day III.

The Wominjeka artwork, a collaboration between Museums Victoria and Tommy Day III, will be in place from 2024 to 2026. 

Mirring Walatha | Countries Embrace
Tommy Day III - Jirri Jirri (Willie Wagtail)
Wemba Wemba
Yorta Yorta
Mirring Walatha | Countries Embrace
Walk through the veil of my lens and witness our essence, where interconnectedness, reverence for country, and ancestral wisdom illuminate your path forward. Tommy Day III

Tommy Day III on: Mirring Walatha | Countries Embrace

Tommy Day III Artist Statement 

"I am a Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba man and multi-disciplined artist based in Shepparton, Victoria.

Capturing the essence of country is everything, vividly etched in my memories as a young Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta, and Wemba Wemba man. Its intricate tapestry unfolds as the seasons dance on the precipice of change, leaving an indelible mark on the land while its essence remains constant.

Through my artistic lens, I paint the world as seen with an Aboriginal perspective, envisaging the spirits living in harmony with the people and animals. Seamlessly melding traditional and contemporary art forms, I provide a visual voice to acknowledge where we came from and moving towards a bright future.

Country possesses a certain magic, an elusive quality that is capable of transforming landscapes in mere seconds. I capture that sense of place in my work—an endeavour to convey this essence, where the mystical allure of country unfolds before our eyes."

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